Improvements to movementV4 ========================== tuning lpresent,rpresent,fpresent should be so low that the wall is always seen (if it is there) new values #Used to determin what wall all present lpresent = 1100 lnotpresent = 0 fpresent = 1800 rpresent = 1100 fstop = 3300 lines 27,184,428 gc.collect() is not needed (I think) 1 line 205 forward() should adjust dist ONLY to reduce it, not to increase it forward() should adjust dist ONLY once. 2 line 277 u_turn() should only do the go_back if there's a wall in front. 3 line 469 the 'O' command calls go_back() not u_turn() 4 line 293 u_Turn doesn't stop motors after spin. 4 line 457 Long straight run: - a - it should go faster on the early cells and slow down for the last one the speed are called fast and slow Line 44.45. - b - it should call forward once for each cell in the run, not call a single time with a longer travel distance. This is because the forward() function corrects for cell length only once (or will do) and will reduce the distance to 1 cell at the first side wall change. line 458 still uses 28 as the fwd distance Tuning line 65 mult line 21 set target in maze_solver.Solver() constructor