from random import randint print() print() FILL_CODES = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" NORTH = 32 SOUTH = 128 EAST = 64 WEST = 16 VISITED = 8 mazemap = [] mazework = [] for i in range(256): mazemap.append(0) mazework.append(0) # mazework.append(randint(0, 0)) for i in range(len(mazemap)): if i < 16: mazemap[i] |= NORTH if i > 239: mazemap[i] |= SOUTH if i % 16 == 0: mazemap[i] |= WEST mazemap[i+15] |= EAST mazemap[255] |= EAST + SOUTH mazemap[136] |= NORTH + WEST + EAST + SOUTH mazemap[136] = NORTH + WEST + EAST mazemap[135] = EAST mazemap[137] = WEST mazework[136] = 0 def printmaze(mazemap): """displays the maze to the shell window""" line1 = "" line2 = "" for i in range(len(mazemap)): line1 += "+" code = FILL_CODES[mazework[i]%32] if (mazemap[i] & NORTH) != 0 or ((mazemap[i-16] & SOUTH) != 0 and i > 15): line1 += "-" else: line1 += " " if (mazemap[i] & WEST) != 0 or (mazemap[i-1] & EAST) != 0: line2 += "|" + code else: line2 += " " + code if (i+1) % 16 == 0 and mazemap[i] & EAST != 0: line2 += "|" if (i+1) % 16 == 0: line1 += "+" print(line1) print(line2) line1, line2 = "", "" print("+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+") #printmaze(mazemap) pos=0 dig=0 def dowall(wall,pos): global mazemap bit=0 othpos=0 othbit=0 if wall=="W": bit=WEST othpos = pos-1 othbit=EAST elif wall=="E": bit=EAST othpos = pos+1 othbit=WEST elif wall=="N": bit=NORTH othpos = pos-16 othbit=SOUTH elif wall=="S": bit=SOUTH othpos = pos+16 othbit=NORTH mazemap[pos] |= bit if othpos>=0 and othpos<256: mazemap[othpos] |= othbit def setp(strg): global pos dig=0 for i in range(len(strg)): ch=strg[i].upper() if ch in("0123456789"): if dig==0: pos = int(ch) else: pos = pos*10 +int(ch) dig=1 else: if dig==1: print(pos) dig=0 if ch == "U": pos -=16 elif ch== "D": pos +=16 elif ch== "R": pos +=1 elif ch== "L": pos -=1 dowall(ch,pos) #print(ch,pos) Target = 128+8 Target = 255-36 # from Derek Hall's C++ code: '''bool mazeClass::solvePart(void) { byte high; bool solved = true; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(mazemap); i++) { if (i == target) { mazework[i] = 0; } else { high = 254; if (!(mazemap[i].north)) { if (mazework[(byte)i - Maze_Width] < high) { high = mazework[(byte)i - Maze_Width]; } } if (!(mazemap[i].east)) { if (mazework[(byte)i + 1] < high) { high = mazework[(byte)i + 1]; } } if (!(mazemap[i].south)) { if (mazework[(byte)i + Maze_Width] < high) { high = mazework[(byte)i + Maze_Width]; } } if (!(mazemap[i].west)) { if (mazework[(byte)i - 1] < high) { high = mazework[(byte)i - 1]; } } high++; if (mazework[(byte)i] != high) { mazework[(byte)i] = high; solved = false; } } } return solved; } ''' def solvepart(): global solved solved = True; for i in range(len(mazemap)): if i == Target: mazework[i]=0 else: high = 254; if (mazemap[i]&NORTH)==0: if (mazework[i - 16] < high): high = mazework[i - 16]; if (mazemap[i]&EAST)==0: if (mazework[i +1] < high): high = mazework[i + 1]; if (mazemap[i]&SOUTH)==0: if (mazework[i + 16] < high): high = mazework[i + 16]; if (mazemap[i]&WEST)==0: if (mazework[i - 1] < high): high = mazework[i - 1]; high += 1 if (mazework[i] != high): mazework[i] = high; solved = False; def solve2(): global solved solved = False; count=0 while solved == False: solvepart() count += 1 print("Count:",count) def checkmaze(mazemap): """displays the maze to the shell window""" for i in range(len(mazemap)): if (mazemap[i] & NORTH) != 0 and (mazemap[i-16] & SOUTH)== 0: print(i,"N") if (i<255): if (mazemap[i] & EAST) != 0 and (mazemap[i+1] & WEST)== 0: print(i,"E") if (mazemap[i] & WEST) != 0 and (mazemap[i-1] & EAST)== 0: print(i,"W") if (i<240): if (mazemap[i] & SOUTH) != 0 and (mazemap[i+16] & NORTH)== 0 : print(i,"S") #modify maze fred = "240EUEUEUNRNSRNSRNSrnedewdewdws" setp(fred) fred2= "128nrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn" setp(fred2) print(1) printmaze(mazemap) checkmaze(mazemap) solvepart() print(2) printmaze(mazemap) solvepart() print(3) printmaze(mazemap) print("Calling solve2()") solve2() print(4) printmaze(mazemap)