Instructions for using the timing gate. Program The Microbits on each gate should be loaded with program "" How many Gates? You will need two gates for a Drag race, but for a line follower circuit you can use two, or simply use one. For 2 gates the time between the passing of each gate is measured. For a single gate, it measures the time from one pass to the next. Setting up the gates. Make sure the 9volt battery is charged. The charge level doesn't affect the accuracy. There is a mode switch attached to the right side of the Microbit breakout socket. Set the "mode" switch for the Start gate to the up position. The Finish gate mode switch should be in the down position. Switch on both gates. The Start gate should display 'S' and the Finish gate a 'F' You can now test that the gates are working by putting your hand in each sensor beam. The Start gate should show '2' if interrupted, else '3' The Finish gate should show '0' and '1' Starting the gates The gates need to be told that the race is about to start. Press the 'A' button on either the start or finish gate. They will be awaiting a robot passing through either the start or finish gate. The race will be finished when a robot passes through the Finish gate. The Finish gate will then display the time duration. To run another race, you need to switch the Finish gate off, then on again. John Fisher 26/10 /2022